Friday, February 27, 2009

You Know You're a Mom When

You know you’re a Mom When…

Some days when I really let it hit me it is like a bolt of lightning coming in… Oh my stars! I’m a MOM!!

1. Its noon and you realize that you still haven’t brushed your teeth or had breakfast!
2. Life is planned according to a nap schedule
3. You’ve caught spit up in your hand.
4. You sing the ABC’s in your sleep… grr!
5. You cannot remember what it is like to get more than 4 hours of sleep at a time.
6. You not only pack your little one an extra set of clothes on an outing b/ you pack you an extra set.
7. Your purse contains pacifiers, diapers and wipes. (I also carried ‘Tucks’ for a while too… ha)
8. Your kid’s clothes are better than yours.
9. You get excited over a dirty diaper!
10. You realize that being a mommy is the hardest job ever!

1 comment:

Kim said...

The sleep thing gets better, I promise!! The best advice I can give anyone is let them cry it out!! Once we started doing that with Brody he started sleeping 12 hours straight!! His doctor told us to do this and it actually worked! Good Luck hope he starts sleeping longer!